$NARTO is on
Download and install MetaMask Wallet from metamask.io. Create a new wallet or import one if you already have an account. Fill MetaMask Wallet with ETH: You can buy ETH directly within MetaMask Wallet, or transfer from an exchange like Binance, Coinbase, or Kraken to your MetaMask wallet address.
Visit DexScreen and select the Ethereum network. Search for the token you want to buy, such as ETH or another token running on the Ethereum network. DexScreen will show you relevant markets for that token on various DEXs (Decentralized Exchanges) such as Uniswap.
Once you find the token you want to buy on DexScreen, it will direct you to the appropriate DEX, such as Uniswap. Click Connect Wallet on DEX and select MetaMask Wallet to connect it.
On the DEX, select ETH as the token you are swapping. Select the token $narto. Enter the amount of ETH you want to swap, then confirm the transaction in your MetaMask Wallet. Once the transaction is complete, the purchased tokens will appear in your MetaMask Wallet.
Name : Narto
Ticker : $NARTO
Lp : Burnt
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Memes to Sher
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Memes to Sher
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one uf the bes sellin manga uf oll time made its debut on shitcuin availabul on Ethereum. we drem to become hukage uf Ethereum Datebayuuuuu !!
Yu ken find $NARTO on Ethereum
To buy $NARTO, make sure you download the MetaMask app (or browser extension) for your phone. Then, simply use Ethereum and trade through a Ethereum-based DEX like Uniswap. It's quick and easy!"